Edward, by the grace of God king of England, sent this decree to the sheriff of Kent (a region in southeastern England). A great portion of the people of our realm have recently died. Those who survive see that masters need servants, which are scarce, and the servants will not serve unless they receive excessive wages. After consulting with the nobles and clergy, we have decided that every man and woman of our realm of England shall be required to serve his or her lord at the wages that were provided in the year 1346. Merchants, those who belong to craft guilds, and those who own their land are exempt from this rule.
The lords are entitled to keep their serfs. If any such serf, man or woman, who is required to serve their lord will not do so, they shall be immediately committed to jail."
King Edward III of England, the Statute of Laborers, parliamentary decree, 1351

Based on the passage, the Statute of Laborers was most likely a direct response to what?

Respuesta :

Answer: C) The impact of the bubonic plague epidemic on England's economy


The BLACK DEATH, or BUBONIC PLAGUE which peaked in Europe from 1347 - 1351 was responsible for the death of 30-40% of the population in Britain and drastically reduced the labor force of Britain. This led to workers demanding more wages as they were scarce.

This increase in labor cost caused inflation to rise and the Elite turned to the crown for help prompting King Edward III of England to institute the Statute of Laborers in 1351.