Labor is used relatively intensively in the production of furniture.
Labour is paid wages and land is paid rent. So the number with w in front of it is the amount of labour needed in production and the number with r in front of it is the amount of land needed for production.
2 units of Labour are used in the production of furniture while one unit of labour is used in the production of drink.
The ratio of Labour to land in the production of land is 2:1, while, it is 1:2 in the production of drinks. Thus, input are not used in the same proportion in producing both commodities.
The opportunity cost of both activities are equal since both activities use the same total amount of inputs.
The land to labour ratio in the production of furniture is 1/2 while it is 2/1 in the production of drinks. Thus, the ratio is relatively lower in the production of furniture.
I hope my answer helps you