B. Qualifying widower
Complete question
Miguel, a widower whose wife died in Year 1, maintains a household for himself and his daughter, who qualifies as his dependent. Miguel did not remarry. What is the most favorable filing status that Miguel qualifies for in Year 3?
A. Single. B. Qualifying widower. C. Head household. D. Married, filing separately
Filing status under United State federal income tax is used to determine which income tax from an individual will use and it is based on martial status and family situation, it is an important factor in computing taxable income. There are five categories of status filling namely:
Married filling jointly
Head of household
Married filling separately
Qualifying widow(er) with dependent child(ren).
Filling status is very important because the amount an individual(s) will/must pay is determined by martial status,occupation and other factors.
Miguel falls under Qualifying widow(er) with dependent child, Miguel may file as a qualifying widower in years 2 and 3