Ricardo works part time at a local computer store. One day, his manager approaches him about moving from cashier to floor supervisor. Ricardo is excited because the promotion comes with a raise; however, the extra work hours would take away from time with his friends. In the end, he decides to take the promotion.

What is Ricardo's opportunity cost?

Respuesta :

Answer:Ricardo works part time at a local computer store. One day, his manager approaches him about moving from cashier to floor supervisor. Ricardo is excited because the promotion comes with a raise; however, the extra work hours would take away from time with his friends. In the end, he decides to take the promotion. Ricardo's opportunity cost is choosing the promotion over time with his friends.


When there are many options in front of us.Out of these options when we select one we have to forgo the other options. While we forgo other options we have to bear the loss. So the opportunity cost is the cost of the next best option that we have given up.

if Ricardo works extra hours than he will not get time to spend with his friends so this is his loss which is arising due to the benefit he is getting from promotion. This loss will be his opportunity cost.

Universidad de Mexico