- shifts in the U.S. tax code
- increase in debt
- inheritance as a generational transference of wealth
- The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 lowered the tax rates f.or everyone, but wealthy households and corporations got the best deal.
- The national debt has been steadily increasing during the last 2 decades, and someone will have to pay for it.
- Before you could expect to be wealthier than your parents, now for the first time in Us history that is not he case.
Income inequality has increased a lot in the last two decades and the gap keeps widening. The average income for 90% of US households is $34,074, while the average income for the top 10% is $312,536. And if you go a little higher, top 1%'s average income is $1,363,977 and top 0.1%'s average income is $6,747,439.