To apply the Biot-Savart law to find the magnetic field produced on the z axis from current elements in the xy plane. In this problem you are to find the magnetic field component along the z axis that results from various current elements in the xy plane (i.e., at z=0).

Respuesta :

The law of Bio Savart is used to show the magnetic intensity because of the availability of magnetic current.


In physics, explicitly electromagnetism, the Biot–Savart law is a condition portraying the attractive field produced by a consistent electric flow. It relates the attractive field to the extent, heading, length, and closeness of the electric flow.

The Biot Savart Law expresses that it is a scientific articulation which shows the attractive field delivered by a steady electric flow in the specific electromagnetism of material science. It tells the attractive field toward the greatness, length, heading, just as closeness of the electric flow.