
What is a main difference between the U.S. Congress and the British Parliament?
The Congress is made of two chambers, the House and the Senate, but the Parliament is only one body.
The Parliament deals only with matters of taxation
Government ministers may not hold office and belong to the Parliament at the same time.
The British courts do not have the authority to declare acts of Parliament against their constitution.

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In modern politics and history, a parliament is a legislative body of government. Generally, a modern parliament has three functions: representing the electorate, making laws, and overseeing the government via hearings and inquiries. The term is similar to the idea of a senate,or congress, and is commonly used in countries that are current or former monarchies, a form of government with a monarch as the head. Some contexts restrict the use of the word parliament to parliamentary systems, although it is also used to describe the legislature in some presidential systems (e.g. the Parliament of Burundi), even where it is not in the official name.

Historically, parliaments included various kinds of deliberative, consultative, and judicial assemblies, e.g. medieval parliamentsThe English term is derived from Anglo-Norman and dates to the 14th century, coming from t11th century Old French parlement, from parler, meaning "to talk".[2] The meaning evolved over time, originally referring to any discussion, conversation, or negotiation through various kinds of deliberative or judicial groups, often summoned by a monarch. By the 15th century, in Britain, it had come to specifically mean the legislature.[3]

Early parliaments

See also: History of Parliamentarism

Since ancient times, when societies were tribal, there were councils or a headman whose decisions were assessed by village elders. This is called tribalism.[4] Some scholars suggest that in ancient Mesopotamia ther primitive democratic government where the kings were assessed by council.[5] The same has been said about ancient India, where some form of deliberative assemblies existed, and therefore there was some form of democracy.[6] However, these claims are not accepted by most scholarso see these forms of government as oligarchies.[7][8][9][10][11] ncient Athens was the cradle of democracy.[12] The Athenian assemblost imporcould representative, but rathedirect, and therefore the ekklesia was different from the parliamentary system.