Respuesta :

Social Structure is a system of organization of society that stems from the interrelation and position (social status) among its members. It is determined by several factors, including economic, political, social, cultural, historical and religious.

In this way, the Social Structure establishes a series of rights and duties practiced by the different groups that constitute a society.

Social stratification is closely related to that of social structure. This is because society is divided into social strata or layers according to a series of factors, such as political, religious, ethnic, among others.

This stratification can occur through the caste system and also by estates (estamental society), where both do not admit social mobility.

Furthermore, the existing social classes (basically divided between rich and poor) is a term associated with the current capitalist system.

The upper class (rich) has the power and means of production and, on the other hand, the lower class (poor) is made up of workers and / or workers.