
WH-08.5 Causes & Effects of French Revolution guided questions
Write down THREE facts you find interesting about the causes of the French Revolution.
Causes of the French Revolution
Explain how the causes listed below led to the French Revolution:
Age of Absolutism -
The Enlightenment -
The American Revolution -
Economic Problems - Poor decisions and bad luck put France into hard times.
What TWO wars bankrupt France?
Who was taxed to pay for these wars?

How did the massive hailstorm of 1788 affect the poor?

The Old Regime - The ‘Old Regime’ was the nickname for the French government that had been in place since the Middle Ages. Fill in the pyramid below, naming the spots of each estate and the position of the King.

First Estate - _____________________, ______%
Second Estate - ____________________, ______%
Third Estate - _____________________, ______%

Forces of Change
To resolve these problems the King called ____________________________________.
The representation was divided equally between every estate (Each estate made up ⅓ of the representatives. Why was this unfair?

After much discussion and disagreement, the Third Estate was kicked out of the process. What two things did they do to retaliate?

The Spark
What was the symbolic start of the French Revolution?

The French Revolution
What THREE (3) Enlightenment ideas did the French people use to create their new constitution?

The Revolution became more and more radical (extreme). Some of examples of this include…

The _____________________________ monarchy was overthrown and replaced by the __________________________________________
The _________________________________________ was created and headed by _________________________________.
Describe the Reign of Terror:
What happened to Robespierre?
The Aftermath
What did Napoleon want to create?

What THREE (3) mistakes did Napoleon make? Briefly explain each.

Effects of the French Revolution
What were the effects of the Revolution?