Which of the following statements is true regarding Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory?

a. Social needs are lower-order needs.
b. Esteem" needs relate to affection and friendship.
c. Social" needs relate to autonomy and achievement.
d. Lower-order needs are satisfied internally.
e. Having a substantially satisfied need no longer motivates.

Respuesta :

The correct answer is letter A

Maslow's theory is known as one of the most important theories of motivation. For him, the needs of human beings obey a hierarchy, that is, a scale of values ​​to be transposed. This means that the moment the individual realizes a need, another one appears in its place, always demanding that people look for ways to satisfy it. Few, if any, people seek personal recognition and status if their basic needs are unmet.

Maslow presented a theory of motivation, according to which human needs are organized and arranged in levels, in a hierarchy of importance and influence, at the base of which are the lowest needs (physiological or basic needs) and at the top, the highest needs (the needs for self-realization).