Respuesta :
Below is the code for Since it is in the package turing, you have to define it in the beginning.
package turing;
public class Tape {
private Cell currentCell; // Current cell pointer
public Tape() { //Constructor to create a blank tape with a single cell, which contains a blank space.
Cell newCell = new Cell();
newCell.content = ' ';
newCell.prev = null; = null;
currentCell = newCell;
public Cell getCurrentCell() { //The pointer to current cell.
return currentCell;
public char getContent() { //The content of current cell.
return currentCell.content;
public void setContent(char ch) { //ch The character to be set into the current cell.
currentCell.content = ch;
public void moveLeft() { //Moves the current cell one position to the left along the tape.
if (currentCell.prev == null) {
Cell newCell = new Cell();
newCell.content = ' ';
newCell.prev = null; = currentCell;
currentCell.prev = newCell;
currentCell = currentCell.prev;
public void moveRight() { //Moves the current cell one position to the right along the tape.
if ( == null) {
Cell newCell = new Cell();
newCell.content = ' '; = null;
newCell.prev = currentCell; = newCell;
currentCell =;
public String getTapeContents() { //Returns a String consisting of the chars from all the cells on the tape.
Cell pointer = currentCell;
while (pointer.prev != null)
pointer = pointer.prev;
String strContent = "";
while (pointer != null) {
strContent += pointer.content;
pointer =;
strContent = strContent.trim(); //Returns a copy of the string, with leading and trailing whitespace omitted.
return strContent;