You spin each spinner once. On the spinners, R represents red, B represents blue, G represents green, Y represents yellow, and P represents purple.
Two spinners in the form of a circle is shown. Three radii are drawn to the left circle, such that the circle gets divided into three equal parts, labeled as Upper R, Upper B, and Upper G. An arrow is shown at the center of this circle. And points towards the portion labeled as Upper R. Two diameters are drawn to the right circle, such that the circle gets divided into four equal parts, labeled as Upper R, Upper B, Upper P, and Upper Y. An arrow is shown at the center of this circle. And points towards the portion labeled as Upper Y.
Create an organized list of all the possible outcomes.
What is the probability of both spinners landing on the same color?
What is the probability of the first spinner landing on Red and the second spinner landing on Purple?
What is the probability of the first spinner landing on Red or the second spinner landing on Purple?