Blank #1: influence
Blank #2: assemble
Blank #3: elite
Blank #4: have an opportunity
A "reformer" is an advocate of change, either in the society's laws or social system while a "lobbyist" is a person who is hired by somebody in order to influence the law makers into supporting a particular cause or a business. So, this explains Blank # 1.
Blank #2: According to the reformer, a person has the ability to "assemble" and to petition the government when they have a complaint. This, for him, is an example of a democracy that people can enjoy.
Blank #3: The reformer is trying to oppose the idea of the lobbyist by stating that the "elite" or "rich people" uses interests groups (such as lobbyists) into influencing the public policy. They are using these groups in order for them to become richer.
The lobbyists, counteracted the reformer by stating that in Texas, all groups have the opportunity to be supported when it comes to their ideas and positions. This right makes the democratic system for the lobbyists wonderful. So, this explains Blank #4.