The substance is steam (H2O). NOTE: The purpose of this problem is to illustrate that there are conditions where water vapor is far from ideal-gas behavior. For this reason, in this course, we will always use tables or NIST to determine properties of H2O for all conditions to avoid misuse of the ideal-gas EOS.

a. For the four conditions below, calculate the reduced pressure and the reduced temperature.
HINT: See Appendix E. Based on these values, decide if ideal-gas behavior is reasonable, i.e., that Pv = RiT within +/- 5%.
i. P = 15 MPa T = 1200 K
ii. P = 15 MPa T = 800 K
iii. P = 10 MPa T = 600 K
iv. P = 0.10 MPa T = 600 K

b. Use the generalized compressibility chart (Fig. 2.18 p. 92) to estimate a value of the compressibility factor Z for these conditions. How do these values compare with your thinking in part 1?

c. Use the NIST webbook to determine the compressibility factor Z for steam at the conditions above. How "ideal" is steam at these various conditions? How do these Z-values compare with your estimates from part 2?