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Your question : Write a composition about Ancient Greece
Ancient Greeks worshipped lots of different gods. They believed many gods appeared in human form and were provided with superhuman strength. The Greeks usually worshipped in sanctuaries located within the city or the country. A sanctuary was a well-defined sacred space set apart usually by an enclosure wall. They also worshipped in temples. Temples benefited from their natural surroundings, helping the expression of character divinities. The Greeks also had a Christian Orthodox church they used. The Greek religion had a total of twelve gods, each representing a certain aspect of human behavior. Religion was always present. The Greeks had rituals, myths, and temples with the beliefs being widespread so the Greek government could function. Each god did a different thing, with different powers. Each were always needed, and their powers were always necessary. They usually all got along unless one was made mad.
Greek religion was combinations of old Minoan beliefs. To some extent always remained familiar but its far from easy understanding. The Greeks thought of their religion as unique and unrepeatable. They believed that after death, a soul went on a journey to a place called the underworld (“Everyday life, Beliefs, and Myths”). If the soul went to the underworld the god of death would cut off a lock of your hair as you died. Hermes, the messenger god, would then lead you to the river, Styx. If your body was once buried the ferryman god would deliver you across the river.
Ancient Greece is a term used to describe areas of ancient culture that spoke ancient Greek. It is not limited to the territories of the present Greek state, but also includes the territories to which Hellenic culture spread in ancient times. These areas include Cyprus, part of present-day Turkey, Sicily, the so-called Greater Greece in southern Italy, and other Greek settlements around the shores of the Mediterranean and Black Seas.
The history of ancient Greece is generally divided into the archaic period (about 700–500 BC), the classical period (480–330 BC), and the Hellenistic period (330–27 BC). The ancient Hellenistic culture then continued under Roman rule (Roman period), while spreading to ever wider groups of people. The vitality of culture, and especially the Greek language, is evidenced by Byzantine Greek half a millennium later.
Western cultures consider the Greeks as the founders of philosophy (the presocratics, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, etc), logic and scientific investigation (physics, mathematics, astronomy). Greek literature probably had less influence for a long time than that of its Roman imitators, and Greek art remains considered a model of classical balance.