Find the figures of speech in this poem.
Don't let people bring you down,
everyone is perfect in their own way
and never forget that
because people that try to bring you down
are the ones that are not perfect.
Ignore those people
cause they are not worth it
everyone is beautiful in there different ways
Doesn't matter what you are
or what you look like.
If people always bring you down
it's cause they haven't got anything better to do
in there life
don't let them bring you down
if they bring you down
then you will always feel down.
So ignore them
because when you ignore them
you will feel better about yourself
and when you feel better about yourself
you will enjoy life as it goes.
Your friends will always be there for you
making you feel better
and enjoying life with you
cause friends always stick by you
and everyone will support you
for the good and bad.
Think happy,
Be happy,
Enjoy life
and enjoy everything you do.