Write a program reverse-order.cpp which asks the user to input two dates (earlier date then later date). The program should report the West basin elevation for all days in the interval in the reverse chronological order (from the later date to the earlier).

Respuesta :




#include <fstream>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <climits>

#include <sstream>

using namespace std;

#include <vector>

int main()


  ifstream fin("Current_Reservoir_Levels.tsv");

  if (fin.fail())

  {//check whether file exists or not

      cerr << "File cannot be opened for reading." << endl;



  //declare two vectors

  vector<string> Date;

  vector<float> westElVec;

  string header;

  getline(fin, header); // read one line from the file

  string dateArr[365], date;

  double eastSt, eastEl, westSt, westEl;

  string date1, date2;

  cout << "Enter starting date: ";

  cin >> date1; // getting starting date from user


  cout << "Enter ending date: ";

  cin >> date2; // getting ending date from user

  int count = 0;

  while (fin >> date >> eastSt >> eastEl >> westSt >> westEl)


      fin.ignore(INT_MAX, '\n'); //skips to the end of line,

      //get the record from file

      //check if data is between the start and end or not

      if (date1 <= date && date2 >= date)

      {//insert the data


          westElVec.push_back( westEl);





  //sort the data by date indecending order

  for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)


      for (int j = 0; j < count - i - 1; ++j)


          // Comparing consecutive dates

          if (Date[j] < Date[j + 1])


              ////swap West basin elevation

              //double twestElVec = westElVec[j];

              //westElVec[j] = westElVec[j + 1];

              //westElVec[j + 1] = twestElVec;

              //swap dates

              string tDate = Date[j];

              Date[j] = Date[j + 1];

              Date[j + 1] = tDate;              




  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)

      cout << Date[i] << "\t" << westElVec[i] <<"ft"<< endl;



return 0;

