a)Nusselt number=17.97
b)heat transfer coefficient=58870 W/m^2
For liquid lithium at 800 K, density ρ = 482 kg/m3, thermal conductivity k = 48.75 W/m-K, Kinematic viscosity, ν = 7.469*10-7 m2/s, Prandtl number, Pr = 0.03.
Reynolds no., Re = Vd/ν = 5*(1*10-2)/(7.469*10-7) = 66943 (Flow is turbulent since Re>2300)
For turbulent flow of liquid metals in circular pipe with uniform wall heat flux, Nusselt no, Nu = hd/k = 7+0.025*(RePr)0.8
Putting values, we get, for uniform heat flux , Nu = hd/k = 17.97
This gives, h = 17.97*48.75/(1*10-2) = 87604 W/m2K
For turbulent flow of liquid metals in circular pipe with uniform wall temperature, Nusselt no, Nu = hd/k = 3.3+0.02*(RePr)0.8
Putting values, we get, for uniform heat flux , Nu = hd/k = 12.076
This gives, h = 12.076*48.75/(1*10-2) = 58870 W/m2K