Y tu amiga Cristina, ¿come You answered(blank)? —No, a ella no le gustan nada los mariscos. incorrectQuestion 2 with 2 blanks—No conozco este restaurante. ¿Usted me puede recomendar un plato principal? —Sí. Debe You answered(blank) el bistec con cebolla. Es muy You answered(blank).

Respuesta :


The answers are:

  1. Mariscos?
  2. probar
  3. Delicioso/rico/sabroso


As you can see, the first question ir ragarding food, "mariscos" is sea food, and if you pay attention, the answer to this question gives you the word. Number 2, is "to try"- "probar" as trying not of attempt but as try as to "taste", and finally number 3, is the answer to "trying a dish" in number two, so it's basically a recommendation, and when we recommend something to eat is because it's good, extremely good, "delicioso", "sabroso", in spanish.