1. Create a constructor definition that has two parameters, a manufacturer’s brand and a screen size. These parameters will bring in information. 2. Inside the constructor, assign the values taken in from the parameters to the corresponding fields. 3. Initialize the powerOn field to false (power is off), the volume to 20, and the channel to 2. 4. Write comments describing the purpose of the constructor above the method header. 5. Compile and debug. Do not run. Task #3 Methods 1. Define accessor methods called getVolume, getChannel, getManufacturer, and getScreenSize that return the value of the corresponding field. 2. Define a mutator method called setChannel accepts a value to be stored in the channel field. 3. Define a mutator method called power that changes the state from true to false or from false to true. This can be accomplished by using the NOT operator (!). If the boolean variable powerOn is true, then !powerOn is false and vice versa. Use the assignment statement powerOn = !powerOn; to change the state of powerOn and then store it back into powerOn (remember assignment statements evaluate the right hand side first, then assign the result to the left hand side variable. 4. Define two mutator methods to change the volume. One method should be called increaseVolume and will increase the volume by 1. The other method should be called decreaseVolume and will decrease the volume by 1. 5. Write javadoc comments above each method header. 6. Compile and debug. Do not run.

Respuesta :




#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;


class Television {

   string brand;

   float screen_size;

   bool powerOn;

   int volume;

   int channel;



   // Comments

   Television(string brand, int screen_size) {

       this->brand = brand;

       this->screen_size = screen_size;

       powerOn = false;

       volume = 20;

       channel = 2;



   // Comments

   int getVolume() {

       return volume;



   // Comments

   int getChannel() {

       return channel;



   // Comments

   string getManufacturer() {

       return brand;



   // Comments

   float getScreenSize() {




   // Comments

   void setChannel(int channel) {

       this->channel = channel;



   // Comments

   void power() {

       if (!powerOn)

           powerOn = !powerOn;



   // Comments

   void increaseVolume() {

       volume = volume + 1;



   // Comments

   void decreseVolume() {

       volume = volume - 1;

