
The nervous system consists of neurons throughout the body, all of which can communicate with one another. This demonstrates the high degree of _____ in the nervous system.

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The nervous system is a set of cells specialized in the conduction of electrical signals. It is made up of neurons and glial cells. Neurons have the function of coordinating the actions of living beings in the animal kingdom by means of chemical and electrical signals sent from one place to another in the organism.Most multicellular animals have nervous systems with similar basic characteristics, although with a degree of complexity very variable. Only animals that do not have well differentiated tissues and organs, such as porifers (sponges), placozoa and mesozoa, lack it.

The nervous system captures stimuli from the environment, (external stimuli) or signals from the same organism (internal stimuli), processes the information and generates different responses depending on the situation. As an example we can consider an animal that, through the light-sensitive cells of the retina, captures the proximity of another living being. This information is transmitted through the optic nerve to the brain that processes it and emits a nerve signal that, through the motor nerves, causes the contraction of certain muscles in order to move in the opposite direction to the potential danger.

Explanation: The neurons throughout the body in the nervous system communicates with each other due to a high degree of complexity and sensitivity.

The nervous system is one of the most intricate, complex, detailed and sensitive part of the human body. It can be classified into 2 parts which are the central nervous system (C.N.S) and the peripheral nervous system (P.N.S.)

The central nervous system includes the spine and the brain while the peripheral nervous system consists of sensory neurons which brings information to the C.N.S and the motor neurons which takes information out of the C.N.S

Neurons found in human nervous system can be put into 3 categi which are - Sensory neurons, interneurons and the motor neurons.

Sensory neurons collect information concerning activities around the body and bring the information to the central nervous system for processing.

Motor neurons obtain information from other neurons and transmit orders to organs, muscles etc. Example, if one picks up a bee and he gets stung, it's the motor neurons that ushers command and makes your hand to release the insect at once.

Interneurons just as the name implies, help to connect one neuron to another. They obtain information from motor neurons and send it to sensory neurons and vice versa. They are able to collect information from motor neurons and send it to motor neurons or can collect from sensory neurons and send it to sensory neurons.