
Write a 5 sentence paragraph in Spanish describing how you write and mail a letter. You need to use the vocabulary words learned in this module, and it needs to be in the present or preterite tense

Respuesta :

Escribo una carta. Pongo la carta en el sobre. Voy al buzón. Pongo el sobre en el buzón. Voy a mi casa.

We will solve this exercise in two ways. First, we will write 5 sentences in the present tense and then 5 more in the preterite tense

Before we start solving this problem let's explain what it is the present and the preterite tense. In Spanish, the simple present tense (el presente or el presente de indicativo) is used to talk about habitual actions, routines, things happening now or in the near future, universal truths, facts, hypotheticals, lapses of time, and for ordering in restaurants and stores. There are both regular and irregular indicative forms.

On the other hand, the preterite tense (el pretérito) is used to describe actions completed at a point in the past. So the Spanish preterite is not used to describe regular or continuous actions in the past with no specific beginning or end. In that case, we use the imperfect. Therefore, we use the preterite to talk about completed actions in the past. So, it is used to talk about beginnings and ends, things that occurred on specific dates or days, at specific times or during specific time periods, and events in a sequence. There are two forms in this verbal tense, namely: Regular Imperfect Forms and Irregular Imperfect Forms.


1. Yo tomo una hoja de papel y un bolígrafo.

Verb: Tomar

Conjugation: Tomo (for the first-person singular)

2. Pienso en lo que voy a escribir.

Verb: Pensar

Conjugation: Pienso (for the first-person singular)

3. Escribo una carta dirigida a mi amigo Alejandro.

Verb: Escribir

Conjugation: Escribo (for the first-person singular)

4. Introduzco la carta en un sobre y lo sello.

Verb: Introducir and Sellar

Conjugation: Introduzco and Sello (for the first-person singular)

5. Voy al buzón y coloco el sobre allí.

Verb: Ir and Colocar

Conjugation: Voy and Colocar (for the first-person singular)


6. Yo tomé una hoja de papel y un bolígrafo.

Verb: Tomar

Conjugation: Tomé (for the first-person singular)

7. Pensé en lo que iba a escribir.

Verb: Pensar

Conjugation: Pensé (for the first-person singular)

8. Escribí una carta dirigida a mi amigo Alejandro.

Verb: Escribir

Conjugation: Escribí (for the first-person singular)

9. Introduje la carta en un sobre y lo sellé.

Verb: Introducir and Sellar

Conjugation: Introduje and Sellé (for the first-person singular)

10. Fui al buzón y coloqué el sobre allí.

Verb: Ir and Colocar

Conjugation: Fui and Coloqué (for the first-person singular)

Universidad de Mexico