Respuesta :

On March 21, 1963, USP Alcatraz closed after 29 years of operation. It did not close because of the disappearance of Morris and the Anglins (the decision to close theprison was made long before the three disappeared), but because the institution was too expensive to continue operating.


The occupation of Alcatraz in 1969 finally ended when GOVERNMENT OFFICERS REMOVED THE PROTESTERS.


The Occupation of Alcatraz was a protest that was conducted by the Native Americans also known as the Indians.

Alcatraz is an island that is located in San Francisco , California. The Occupation of Alcatraz lasted for the period of 19 months from November 20, 1969 to June 11, 1971.

A Native American group of activists

called Indians of All Tribes (IAT) along with their supporters came together to lead the protest.

The Occupation of Alcatraz happened because the Native Americans ( Indians) felt the government wanted to seize their lands from them. They felt that would damage the cultures they are built already.

The protest ended when the government officals forcibly removed the protesters from Alcatraz Island.