6.32 LAB: Exact change - functions

Write a program with total change amount as an integer input that outputs the change using the fewest coins, one coin type per line. The coin types are dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. Use singular and plural coin names as appropriate, like 1 penny vs. 2 pennies.

Ex: If the input is:

or less, the output is:

no change
Ex: If the input is:

the output is:

1 quarter
2 dimes
Your program must define and call the following function. Positions 0-4 of coinVals should contain the number of dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, respectively.
void ExactChange(int userTotal, vector& coinVals)

Note: This is a lab from a previous chapter that now requires the use of a function.

this is my current ____________


using namespace std;

void ExactChange(int userTotal, vector& coinVals){
cout << "no change" << endl;
vector coinNameSingular = {"dollar", "quarter", "dime", "nickel", "penny"};
vector coinNamePlural = {"dollars", "quarters", "dimes", "nickels", "pennies"};
vector numCoins = {0,0,0,0,0};
int i = 0;
numCoins[i] = userTotal/coinVals[i];
userTotal %= coinVals[i];
numCoins[i] = userTotal;
if(numCoins[i]==1) cout << "1 " << coinNameSingular[i] << ""<< endl;
if(numCoins[i]>1) cout << numCoins[i] << " " << coinNamePlural[i] << "";
cout << endl;

int main(){
int userTotal;
vector coinVals = {100, 25, 10, 2, 1};

while(cin >> userTotal){

ExactChange(userTotal, coinVals);


Respuesta :


Below is the desired C++ program for the problem. Do feel free to edit it according to your preference


#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

void ExactChange(int userTotal, vector<int> &coinVals) {


   coinVals[0] = userTotal / 100;

   userTotal %= 100;

   coinVals[1] = userTotal / 25;

   userTotal %= 25;

   coinVals[2] = userTotal / 10;

   userTotal %= 10;

   coinVals[3] = userTotal / 5;

   userTotal %= 5;

   coinVals[4] = userTotal;


int main() {

   vector<int> coins;

   int value;

   cin >> value;

   if (value <= 0) {

       cout << "no change" << endl;

   } else {

       ExactChange(value, coins);

       if (coins[0] != 0) cout << coins[0] << " " << (coins[0] == 1 ? "dollar" : "dollars") << endl;

       if (coins[1] != 0) cout << coins[1] << " " << (coins[1] == 1 ? "quarter" : "quarters") << endl;

       if (coins[2] != 0) cout << coins[2] << " " << (coins[2] == 1 ? "dime" : "dimes") << endl;

       if (coins[3] != 0) cout << coins[3] << " " << (coins[3] == 1 ? "nickel" : "nickels") << endl;

       if (coins[4] != 0) cout << coins[4] << " " << (coins[4] == 1 ? "penny" : "pennies") << endl;


   return 0;


There are several errors in the source program you attached; some of them include, invalid syntax for vector declaration and improper way of importing headers.

The fix to your program in C++ where comments are used as explanation is as follows:

The italicized lines are comments



using namespace std;

//This defines the ExactChange as a void function

void ExactChange(int userTotal, vector<int> &coinVals) {

//This initializes coinNameSingular for the singular coin names

   vector<string>coinNameSingular = {"dollar", "quarter", "dime", "nickel", "penny"};

//This initializes coinNamePlural for the plural coin names

   vector<string>coinNamePlural = {"dollars", "quarters", "dimes", "nickels", "pennies"};

//This initializes the coin values as 0

   vector<int>numCoins = {0,0,0,0,0};

//If the initial value of the total coin is 0 or less, this prints no change

   if(userTotal <=0 ){    cout<<"No Change";    }

//If otherwise


//This iterates through each coin

       for(int i = 0;i<5;i++){

//This gets the value of the coin

           numCoins[i] = userTotal/coinVals[i];

//This calculates the remaining value of userTotal



//This iterates through each coin again

       for(int i = 0;i<5;i++){

/*The following if statement checks, if the value of coin is not 0

If yes the value of the coin is printed; it then checks if the value of the coin is 1. If it is 1, the singular coin is printed, else the plural coin is printed

If however, the value of the coin is 0, the statement does nothing*/

           if (numCoins[i] != 0) cout << numCoins[i] << " " << (numCoins[i] == 1 ? coinNameSingular[i] : coinNamePlural[i]) << endl;



} // The ExactChange ends here

//The main function begins here

int main() {

//This initializes the value of each coin

  vector<int>coinVals = {100, 25, 10, 2, 1};

//This declares the userTotal as integer

  int userTotal;

//This iteration is repeated as long as the input for userTotal is valid

  while(cin >> userTotal){

//This calls the ExactChange function for each valid value of userTotal

      ExactChange(userTotal, coinVals);


  return 0;

} // The program ends here

At the end of each valid input value, the program prints the corresponding values using the fewest number of coins.

See attachment for sample run

Read more about the fewest number of coin programs at:


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