
Ms. Pineapple has poor venous return and edema, causing interstitial fluid buildup. Her HPif can be estimated at ~3 mm. Predict the effect this has on her NFPa (arteriolar end) compared to a normal NFPa if other values remain the same. Sort the NFPa descriptions into the appropriate bins for Ms. Pineapple with edema or a typical client with no edema.

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NFPA is the US standard that explains the "diamond of hazardous materials" established by the National Fire Protection Association (English: National Fire Protection Association), used to communicate the hazards of hazardous materials. It is important to help fire and emergency bodies identify the hazards they face when dealing with an emergency with the burning substance. It is not used for the transport of packaged and bulk products, and if for stationary storage such as crude oil tank, products, etc.