Respuesta :
- A little correction is made to the code snippet (num = num – 10;) changed to (num -=10;)
- The code snippet uses if and else to check the value of num (Initially set to 100)
- The first test if (num < 100) is false. So it jumbs to the else block
- The second test if (num > 150) is also false. So it moves to the last else block which is else { num = num + 10; This adds 10 to the initial value of num which was 100. As such 110 is printed out.
Because if you look at abcdefghi, In programming you start with 0. So it would be a:0 b:1 c:2 d:3 e:4 f:5 g:6 h:7 i:8. So if you say 2:5, it would be from c to e. Because in programming you dont count the last letter which is 5 you use the letter right before 5 to end it.