Dear Mom and Dad,

I think the best days to have picnics are on Saturdays because those are Dad's days off. Both of you work very hard during the week. I work hard in school. On Saturdays, we do chores around the house. On Sunday mornings, we are all cranky because we are all so tired. I think we should all take a break every Saturday and enjoy a meal outside. Lunch would probably be best. We could drive to the park or just put a picnic blanket on the front lawn and eat there. I could help Mom make sandwiches and potato salad. A weekly picnic would be a great way for us to have fun as a family.



Which sentence can be added to the beginning of the paragraph?
A picnic is a good way to enjoy a meal outside.
I saw a family having a picnic at the park once.
We should have a family picnic once a week.