Respuesta :
Lab report is presented for having the proper results or conclusions to show or produce a more valid data or set of information to be analysed by the lab engineer or technicians. While, having the idea of having a specific experiment we can implement our observations inside the given parameters. As we can calculate the different aspects of a moving car or vehicles, as there are different physical quantities related to the vehicles in motion.
- As the vehicle or car weighs about 1200 kg in total for an average size car. As there are different parameters for a car in motion, as there is a certain amount of velocity,V acquired by the car in a given direction,d. While, the car is supposed to be traveling in a more specific direction towards a certain point or destination.
- While, there are certain parameters inside the given space which are analysed for the better understanding of the whole process or mechanism which is under taken during the experiment executed by the professionals or the students inside the lab, or field. For that we can have two points been set for the cars initial and final position, as the car starts from the given point of initiation to the point where the car is required to be stopped or the final position.
- Now, if we want to know about the total distance covered by the car inside a given time,t then we can analyze the whole process by having a stop watch along with us. And then the distance which the car travels is measured from the point of its initiation to the point of termination or stoppage(destination).
- While, the values highlighted by the professionals or the students in the physical quantities like velocity, time, and length covered by the car in a given parameters.