Retained earning at the end= 1140292
To calculate retained earning statement we net profit or loss for this statement.
Nash corp
Profit & loss statment
Sales =1066,000
less:Cost of goods sold (639600-65600) =(574000)
less: Selling and administrative expense (53300+39360) = (92660)
Gross profit 399,340
Add: Dividend revenue = 16400
Profit before tax (a.) 415740
Tax (415740@20%) = 83148
less: deduction of casualty loss =(41000)
(b.) Tax liability 42148
Profit after tax a-b =373592
Nash corp
Statement of retained earning
Retanied eaning (opening) =803600
less: Dividend declared =(36900)
Add:Profit =373592
Retained earning at end 1140,292