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Answer: Sin is a disobedience to the commandment of God. Some people tag sin to mean "Satan Identity Number", which means that, sin makes one to be identified by Satan. It is always an unacceptable behaviour by the society.

In friendship sin plays a very negative role, because anything sin is always a foul play( unacceptable attitude), and if a friend's should identify such foul play from you, it may bridge the friendship.

In parenting, sin makes a parent to mislead the child, for instance, a prostitute may not be able to tell a child not to have sex, till he/she gets married. In parenting, sin plays a very bad role, and the children learn more fast from attitude seen from parents, if a parent is a thief, the child is likely to be a thief because children are always coached by the parents.

In marriages, sin is the major factor that break's up the marriage bond between partners. But if the two partners commit to sin together as partners, it may not affect the relationship, but they are tendencies that they have lost the blessings promised by God to married couples.

In the workplaces, sin hinders ones inheritance to promotion, because it's when you have done things the right way, you will be recognized. Though people cut corners to achieve an aim, but the down fall of a dinner is always like a storm on that sinner.

God's plan of redemption, is to bring us back to himself through Jesus Christ, that is why Jesus came to die for the sins of man.