which line from momaday's the way to rainy mountain most clearly uses figurative language?a.as an offering to tai-me, a spotted horse was left tied to a pole in the medicine lodge, where it starved to death (71).b.and then there is the sudden, piercing call of a bobwhite. the whole world is startled by it (45).c.night was coming on, and they were very tired of riding; they made camp in a great thicket (60).d.a voice spoke to him and said, "why are you following me? what do you want?" (36)

Respuesta :

The line from Momaday's the Way to Rainy Mountain that most clearly uses figurative language is the second one:

"And then there is the sudden, piercing call of a bobwhite. The whole world is startled by it."

This sentence doesn't have to be taken literally, of course we know a call can't be piercing nor the whole world can be startled by it. It is a figurative language, which is a figure of speech and there are many types of it such as simile, metaphor and personification to name just a few.


B.and then there is the sudden, piercing call of a bobwhite. the whole world is startled by it (45).

