Respuesta :
As i look from the edge of the ocean,
glimmering golden,for its almost dawn
So many waves coming towards me,
And yet I know,there's alot more going on,
the ocean stretches for miles around,So
manycreatures with fins and gills,so many
miles below the ground the waves are
splashingcolser and closer,As I realise the
world is bigger than it seems As i stare into
the ocean,In the golden light, it gleams.
The ocean is a place of lots of joy
with kids running around to play with lots of toys
fun to build sand castles with their parents
fun to get sun tans by the shore all day
oh how i love to go to mrtyle beach
oh how the water brings waves to my feet
oh how i want to stay all day at the beach
oh all the good things that the ocean can teach
the sky is always so bright and so blue
if it rains it feels just like catching the flu
no need for lots of clothes just a swim suit
because the beach is usually very hot
the beach is a very cool spot to relax
the waves touching your feet all the way to your back
im n0t that good at poems but i tried my best