8) In civil court, one person - "plaintiff" files a lawsuit against another person "defendant" because of a dispute or problem between them. If the defendant loses the case, the person may be ordered to pay money to the plaintiff or return the stolen property like in the case of Carl and Vince, but the defendant does not go to jail just for losing the case.
If Vince does not want to bring action against Carl, the civil case would therefore be dropped.
9) If Vince does not want to bring an action against Carl, there would be no criminal case against Carl from Vince but the criminal case may be brought on by the government (note that the police already have evidence in the form of a footage of Carl committing the crime) and in this case if found guilty, then Carl may go to jail or prison.
10) A defendant can still go to jail even if a victim does not want to go forward with a case - True.
Like in this case for instance the Prosecutor can present other evidence that show the theft occurred such as the footage and if Carl is found guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt” which is a very high standard, then he can be sentenced to jail