Liquid water and ethanol are described as miscible because they _____.

mutually dissolve each other in specific proportions

mutually dissolve each other in all proportions

separate from one another in a mixture

chemically react when mixed together

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                   Liquid water and ethanol are described as miscible because they mutually dissolve each other in all proportions.  


                    Miscibility is defined as the property of two substances to mix each other in all proportions and make a homogenous mixture. This physical property is a reversible property and mainly depends upon the intermolecular interactions between the two substances.

                     Water: Water has a chemical formula H₂O, in which hydrogen atom is directly bonded to oxygen atom. Oxygen atom being more electronegative atom make the hydrogen partial negative and the oxygen itself becomes partial negative.

                      Ethanol: Ethanol has a chemical formula C₂H₅OH. In this molecule there is also the presence of O-H bond as that found in water and with the same partial negative charges.

                      Thus, the opposite partial charges of these molecules interact with each other and forms one of the strongest intermolecular bonds called as Hydrogen Bonds resulting in dissolution of each other in all proportions.