When Johnny Jack, manager of Jack-Mack Enterprises realized that his plan to increase sales levels among associates was not producing the results he desired, he took quick action to make necessary adjustments. Johnny was exercising the management function of:

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An efficient management control system must fulfill, among others, the following functions:

• Clearly display the actual situation of the organization, with simple information,  complete and updated on the internal and external situation (competitive environment and  environmental).

• Facilitate decision making, especially strategic decisions, based on a continuous improvement of the available information.

• Facilitate strategic self-diagnosis and the generation of conclusions that serve  of base and frame of reference to formulate the business strategy and align it with the vision.

• Detect and facilitate the use of the opportunities that are detected and of  own strengths as well as reducing threats and weaknesses.

• Design the appropriate qualitative and quantitative indicators that allow  control and facilitate decision making.

• Compare forecasts with actions within a prospective framework that  help to understand the future scenario, facilitating the comparison of one's own  company with others existing in your environment or on stage (as usual resource  to evaluate, diagnose and improve).

• Anticipate, anticipate or reduce as far as possible crises that affect or may affect the organization.

• Periodically and regularly prepare the management control report that facilitates the  generation of alternatives for management decision making and enable  exchange of information between its recipients.

Universidad de Mexico