1. Soy de Argentina. Soy argentino.
Somos de Brasil. Somos brasileros.
Ella es de Chile. Es chilena.
Él es de Paraguay. Es paraguayo.
Tu eres de Uruguay. Eres Uruguayo.
2. - The name of the country is capitalized in English and Spanish. When a n
adjective of the name of the country (nationality) is formed, it begins with a lowercase in Spanish but in capital letters in English.
3. Estados Unidos de América (The USA) = Gringos
España = Gallegos
Bolivia = Bolitas
Puerto Rico = Boricuas
Italia = Tanos
4. Yo vivo en Argentina y acá hablamos español como en la casa de Alejandria porque allá en Costa Rica también hablan español.
1. I am from Argentina. I am Argentinean.
We are from Brazil. We are Brazilian.
She's from Chile. She's Chilean.
He's from Paraguay. He's Paraguayan.
You're from Uruguay. You're Uruguayan.
2. - The name of the country is capitalized in English and Spanish. When a n adjective of the name of the country (nationality) is formed, it begins with a lowercase in Spanish but in capital letters in English.
3. United States of America (The USA) = Gringos
Spain = Gallegos
Bolivia = Bolitas
Puerto Rico = Boricuas
Italy = Tanos
4. I live in Argentina and here we speak Spanish like in the house of Alexandria because there in Costa Rica they also speak Spanish.