Bonnie is trying to remember what grocery items she needs from the stores. She repeats the words, "Eggs, cookies, bread, tortillas, and pretzels" over and over again in her mind. Bonnie is utilizing which memory technique?A) retroactive interference
B) maintenance rehearsal
C) chunking
D) elaborative rehearsal
E) transduction

Respuesta :


Answer: Maintenance Rehearsal

Explanation: Maintenance Rehearsal is a form of memory rehearsal used for information retention in memory. Maintenance Rehearsal is a process of retaining information stored in an individual's short term memory, it involves repetitive thought about the information in other to extend retention time of the information

in short term memory domain. This kind of information aren't connected to any event or given any meaning and as such are not placed in long term memory.

Repetitive thinking of the grocery items will increase the retina time of those items in Bonnie's short term memory.