
Carlos is having a party in his backyard. He decides to put up a canopy from each corner of his
deck in case it rains. The deck (and the canopy) is in the shape of a quadrilateral.
1) Draw an x-axis and a y-axis on your graph paper. Label each axis. (5 pts)
2) Plot the following points on the graph paper and label each point.
A (-10, 3)
B) (0, 9)
C) (12,5)
D (-4,-7).
These are the corners of his deck. (20 pts)
3) Connect these points with a ruler to make the quadrilateral that is his deck. (5 pts)
After the canopy is up, Carlos' sister, Mireya, wants to hang some party lights underneath the
Cho will ice the midpoints of each side of the canopy. You must graph each midpoint