Respuesta :
c. The capital gain would be automatically re-invested at NAV if not taken in cash while the purchase of the shares would occur at POP including a sales charge.
An Asset appreciation doesn't in any way complete a breakpoint for a client. The client agreed to buy $50,000 of fund shares under a Letter of Intent to get a lower sales charge. If the customer doesn't deposit the full $50,000, then the sales charge is calculated to a higher percentage, which is based on the customer's purchase. The customer must deposit another $10,000 to complete the breakpoint.
If the customer were to take the capital gains distribution as cash and use that money to buy additional shares to complete the breakpoint, the customer would then have to pay a sales charge, which would be lower because the breakpoint is being completed. The customer must know that if the capital gains distribution were reinvested, it would occur at NAV and there would be no sales charge increase in sales charge. Whether the capital gain is taken as cash or it is reinvested, it is taxable.