
Please help!
Can someone tell me one detail supporting that Henry Johnson's story was about injustice?
I'll give 56 pts!

Respuesta :

There have been numerous stories written about Henry Johnson over the years. Many right after he came back from war and stories are still being written today. He was one of the first African American men to serve in the Harlem Hellfighters, this was a segregated part of the Army. He served under French command. He was and is considered to be a hero.

This man almost single-handily fought off 20 men from a German unit to save his unit and prevented his comrade from being taken hostage. He has been injured but this did not stop him from fighting for him comrades and saving everyone. This incident was later called "The Battle of Henry Johnson."

Now for the injustices, one could say it was when he came home from the war. He was given a parade but suffered from a racist community. He was met by the governor and mayor upon coming off the train. The president at the time wrote him and he had a party in his honor at the state armory. Many articles were written about him. However, then the problems started happening.

He spoke out against racism, and this turned more people against him. He gave a speech in 1919 in Missouri and instead of reading his speech he decided to tell about the racism he endured by his white comrades in the war. People who stood by him left the stage and everyone turned their backs on him after this speech. The injustice was that he fought in the war and was a hero but after speaking out on racism he was left to fend for himself. He couldn't even find work as a porter since he suffered from injuries from war.

Another injustice about his story is that he would not receive the Medal of Honor until another century after his death. President Obama did award the medal to him posthumously.

Learn more about Henry Johnson at


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