In Dr. Martin Luther King’s "I have a dream" speech, he used a repetitive pattern where he gave examples of his vision for the future and then repeated the phrase "I have a dream." Which organization pattern was he using?

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The organization pattern he was using was the wave pattern.


The wave pattern can be better understood if we truly imagine waves, one after the other. The main point of what is being said is at the crest of each wave. So we can have many points which, together, aim to fulfill the purpose of the speech. Leading up to the first point, we have a material or form. That same material or form will be repeated to lead up to the second, to the third, to the fourth points - as many as there are - and even to the conclusion. That is what Dr. Martin Luther King did when he repeated the sentence "I have a dream." Every time he said it, he was making a new point. "I have a dream" led up to each point, emphasizing each one of them equally. In the end, all the dreams he had were one big dream, a dream of true freedom, that he broke down into repeated patterns for emphasis.