Respuesta :
Answer:The correct answer is (D)
The western schism actually divided the European catholic church but the victory of Charles Martel's in the battle of tours unified the Christians
The battle of Tours occupies a significant role in history.This battle stopped the advance of Muslim empire,which had conquered much of Europe.Schism among the parties causing difference of opinions.The Western schism is also known as Great schism.It lasted from 1378 to 1417 ,when there two and later three rival popes,each with his own followings.
The archbishop of Bari was elected pope as Urban VI on the demand of Romans.Urban VI proved to be hostile to cardinals.They cardinals retired and elected one of themselves Robert of Geneva as Clement VII ,claiming re-elections.
Double elections had disastrous effects and various proposals for ending up the schism were made.
Charles Martel's played a very important role in the battle of tours.He ruled the kingdom of Franks.He was a very intelligent military commander.He was victorious.He stopped the Muslims from advancing towards Europe and invading France.