Respuesta :


Illusionism is an approach that offers to explain a phenomenon as an illusion of thinking and perception, and not as a real phenomenon or a phenomenon that really has the properties that it seems to some people. In this sense, illusionism is opposed to "realism" in relation to the phenomenon being explained - that is, it is opposed to the approach to consider this phenomenon real. In science and philosophy of consciousness/perception, there are also illusionistic approaches to the description of consciousness (or rather, to the description of the properties of sensations, that is, products of perception). Illusionists reject the assumption that there is a certain subjective reality, the content of which is accessible only to one individual, and is available automatically, completely and accurately through sensations about the nature of his sensations (that is, through introspection), which is typical for eastern religions - in particular, according to Buddhism, the world is a mirage, and reality lying behind it is beyond our knowledge.
