
Federal antitrust statutes are complex, but the basic goal is straightforward: to prevent a major industry from being so dominated by a small group of corporations that they destroy competition and injure consumers. Does Major League Baseball violate the antitrust laws? Many observers say that it does. A small group of owners not only dominate the industry but actually own it, controlling the entry of new owners into the game. This issue went to the United States Supreme Court in 1922. Justice Holmes ruled, perhaps surprisingly, that baseball is exempt from the antitrust laws, holding that baseball is not "trade or commerce." Suppose that a congressman dislikes this ruling and dislikes the current condition of baseball. What could he/she do?

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Since it is the supreme Court that has given this decision, there is nothing much an individual congressman can do alone or even a president.

However, since anti trust laws do not cover those which are not trade or Commerce in nature, a congressman can propose to inact new laws that cover Sports related economic activities. Or they can pass a new law to include the sports related financials in the anti trust laws. But this could change the structure and the purpose of anti trust laws.
