Triiodide preparation:
3I2 + 4NH4OH → NI3+ 3NH4I + 4H2O
Pentaiodide preparation:
AS4 + 10I2 → 4ASI5
Nitrogen triiodide is an inorganic compound with formula NI3. It is an extremely sensitive explosive. The reaction obtained from iodine and ammonia is:
3I2 + 4NH4OH → NI3 + 3NH4I + 4H2O
Polyiodides can be manufactured by adding stoichiometric amounts of I2 to solutions containing I- and I3-, it requires the presence of cations to stabilize them. For example, in the preparation of pentaiodoarsorane from arsenic tetramer with iodine.
AS4 + 10I2 → 4ASI5