A flat-plate solar collector is used to heat water by having water flow through tubes attached at the back of the thin solar absorber plate. The absorber plate has a surface area of 2 m2 with emissivity and absorptivity of 0.9. The surface temperature of the absorber is 35°C, and solar radiation is incident on the absorber at 500 W/m2 with a surrounding temperature of 0°C. The convection heat transfer coefficient at the absorber surface is 5 W/m2 ∙K, while the ambient temperature is 25°C. The net heat rate absorbed by the solar collector heats the water from an inlet temperature (Tin) to an outlet temperature (Tout). If the water flow rate is 5 g/s with a specific heat of 4.2 KJ/kg *K, determine the temperature rise of the water.