Related to Micro Economics : A, B, C, E.
Related to Macro Economics : D.
Micro Economics is the study of a single individual consumer, producer, industry. Eg - Price of a good
Macro Economics is the study of all consumers, producers, industries of the economy at a whole. Eg - General Price level.
Both Micro Economics and Macro Economics deal with aggregates. But:- Micro Economic aggregates have lower level of aggregation & are contextually less related to wide total, than Macro Economics.
Micro Economics : 'A student's decision about how to allocate his time between studying two subjects' ; 'A firm's decision on which production method to use' :- are related to single economic units.
'The effect of rent control on the housing market' ; 'The effect of externality on the quantity produced by the market' :- are related to only those particular industry markets & not to economy as a whole.
Macro Economics : 'The effect of an increase in income tax on national income' :- is an impact of country's government policy at its whole national income.