Three things I think he must learn from this. Number one is to not take responsibilities of tasks that you are unaware of. Suppose I am a doctor of heart so don't know about spine issues. I must not create an image that I know everything. If I am doing so, I am living in the fool's paradise. This attitude can harm the patient and I will be liable for that. Secondly, if I am not capable of multitasking then I must consider my own limitations before agreeing to do more acceptance. Third thing is that when we increase productivity without increasing quality productivity level, this means we had compromised quality which Dillon has done with the Simpson Assignment. The Fourth one is that always consider a safety margin, for example Dillon can say when the task was not handed him over that he would do all these assignments but he needs some extra days. And also giving days for first one on a specified day before taking the assignments and next on next specified date. By doing so he was able to improve his image because he is providing quality.