There will be no effect to the balances in Mace's and Bowen's capital accounts after admission of the new partner because it will only changes the share in the profit and loss distribution.
Balances in Mace's and Bowen's capital accounts after admission of the new partner will be $144,000 and $127,500 respectively
Mace's current capital balance =$144,000
Bowen's current capital balance = $127,500
Share ratio
Mace : Bowen = 50:50
Kent's addition with 30% interest in business with $124,000 investment
Share available for Mace and Bowen = 100%-30% = 70%
The will divide equally the remaining share which will be
Mace : Bowen = 35:35
New Share ratio of the business will be
Mace : Bowen : Kent = 35 : 35 : 30