Bodybuilders that take anabolic steroids such as androstenedione and testosterone often suffer from gynecomasty (enlarged breasts) as a side effect. Knowing that in women breast growth is stimulated by estrogens, explain why this happens to bodybuilders. The law of mass action also applies here! Again, make sure to mention the substrate and product of the reaction.

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Gynaecomastia occurs due to

1) Feedback inhibition of pituitary.

2) Conversion of exogenous androgens into estrogen (aromatization)

Substrate : Androgen

Product : Estradiol ( estrogen )

Enzyme involved : Aromatase


Gynaecomastia is a condition in which the mammary

glands, or breasts, enlarge and become sore and

tender to touch. It is due to the chemical change

in testosterone brought about by a process called

aromatisation, when the male hormone is converted

to a form of estrogen, the female sex hormone.

There is initially a sore feeling in the breast. A

skin ridge appears on the outer side of the areola

together with a halo appearance around the area

but no swelling. As the course continues, a swelling

develops and it becomes tender. Fatty tissue

builds up around the area and the breast becomes

prominent. At times there may be a secretion of

fluid from the nipple when it is squeezed. Steroids

should be stopped. If recovery does not occur by

the end of 2 months, surgery should be considered.

Other causes of gynaecomastia that may need to

be considered are the use of medications such as

Tagamet, a treatment for gastric problems, HCG and

spironolactone. Some body builders use this latter

drug to reduce body fluid. Occasionally boys in the

post-pubertal phase develop breast enlargement due

to endocrine imbalance totally unrelated to steroids.

Gynaecomastia also occurs as a result of feedback inhibition of the pituitary.